본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.02.12 2014가합104562

1. The Selection Heavy Housing Management Industry Co., Ltd. shall be KRW 100 copies of black and white paper per head of the Plaintiff, and KRW 300 copies of the color.


The basic fact is that the plaintiff is the resident of Dong-gu, Daejeon (hereinafter referred to as "the apartment of this case") 202, 1508, Dong-gu, Daejeon (hereinafter referred to as "the apartment of this case"), and the defendant (appointed party) is the council of occupants' representatives comprised of the representatives of each Dong-gu elected by the residents of the apartment of this case, and the designated middle-party housing

The provisions related to the Housing Act and the Enforcement Decree thereof concerning the application for access to and reproduction of information of occupants and users of multi-family housing, and the management rules of the apartment in this case shall be as follows:

▣ 주택법 제45조의4(회계서류의 작성ㆍ보관) ① 의무관리대상 공동주택의 관리주체는 관리비등의 징수ㆍ보관ㆍ예치ㆍ집행 등 모든 거래 행위에 관하여 장부를 월별로 작성하여 그 증빙서류와 함께 해당 회계연도 종료일부터 5년간 보관하여야 한다.

In such cases, the management entity may prepare or keep books and evidential documents through the information processing system under subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions.

(2) The management entity of multi-family housing under paragraph (1) shall, when an occupant or user requests perusal of books, evidential documents, and other information prescribed by Presidential Decree or reproduction thereof at his/her own expense, comply therewith, as prescribed by the management rules.

Provided, That the following information shall comply with the request except for the following information:

1. Information that could infringe on the privacy or freedom of an individual, such as personally identifiable information prescribed in Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act;

2. 의사결정과정 또는 내부검토과정에 있는 사항 등으로서 공개될 경우 업무의 공정한 수행에 현저한 지장을 초래할 우려가 있는 정보 ▣ 주택법 시행령 제51조(입주자대표회의의 의결사항 등) ④ 입주자대표회의는 그 회의를 개최한 때에는 회의록을 작성하여 관리주체에게 보관하게 하고...
