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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 2017.08.10 2016고단1117

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.


Punishment of the crime


On August 30, 2013, A was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act (compact) at the Suwon method, and the execution of the sentence was terminated on April 8, 2014.


B was sentenced to one year and two months of imprisonment for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act at the Changwon District Court on September 16, 2014, and the execution of the sentence was terminated on May 31, 2015. On September 29, 2016, the Chuncheon District Court sentenced a person to a violation of the Narcotics Control Act (fence) and was finally decided on April 18, 2017.


A is the space between August 2014 to March 2015, and Defendant B from July 2015 to February 2016 respectively.

E was requested by Defendant B to request the Mesopha Mesophops (one name “philophone”; hereinafter “philophones”) which is a local mental medicine from Defendant B. On February 22, 2016, Defendant B was on the G game room located in the Ma5-si F in Chuncheon City. On February 22, 2016, Defendant B was placed in the G game room in the G game room, and Defendant A was called “E” as the head of the G game room and asked Defendant A to seek writingphones, and the consent Defendant A was placed in the lane of E’s SM5 passenger car parked in the G game parking lot.


B issued 50,000 won in cash to Defendant A as the price for philophones and traded philophones by means of arranging E by using a disposable injection device containing approximately 0.7g of philophones. Since then, Defendant B was able to administer philophones with E from March 6, 2016 to March 10, 2016 as well as with E from March 6, 2016.

1. In the court of Chuncheon District Court No. 103 on July 7, 2016, Defendant A appeared as a witness of a violation of the Narcotics Control Act against the said court’s order Nos. 273, 275, and 606 (Joint) E, etc., and was present at the trial date of the previous third public trial from the presiding judge, and the letter that the Defendant took effect on the date of the previous third public trial from the presiding judge.
