본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원원주지원 2015.02.13 2014가단30413

1. The Defendants: (a) KRW 28,547,154 for each Plaintiff; and (b) 5% per annum from June 4, 2013 to February 13, 2015 for each Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties (1) The defendant T-U.S. Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the defendant T-U.S. Construction") is a company that newly constructed the "B apartment unit B" in Gangwon-do, and the defendant C-U.S. Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the defendant C-U.S.") is called the "

(2) The Plaintiff is a person who was at the construction site to which Defendant Dana Construction performed the construction of a fire-fighting facility for the above apartment. (2) The Plaintiff was a person who was ordered to supervise the construction site for the above apartment site at the construction site of the Defendant YA and was under the direction of the construction site for the construction site for the above apartment site. (1) The occurrence of the accident (2) around 11:00 on June 4, 2013, the Plaintiff fell beyond a private bridge while falling above the 12 chest pressure pulverization and the 2nd pressure frame.

hereinafter referred to as "the accident of this case"

). (2) 원고가 작업을 하던 이 사건 사고 장소는 협소하여 사다리(∧ 모양)의 하단부를 완전히 펼쳐 고정할 수 없었다. 그리고 사고 장소에 누수 현상으로 물이 상당 정도 있어서 원고 및 원고와 함께 작업을 한 C가 피고 측에게 누수 현상의 제거를 요구하였으나, 피고 측은 나중에 할 테니 안전작업화 대신 장화를 신고 작업을 하라고 하여 원고는 장화를 신고 작업을 하였다. [인정근거] 다툼 없는 사실, 갑 제1호증(가지번호 포함 의 기재, 증인 C의 증언, 이 법원의 검증결과, 변론 전체의 취지

2. Occurrence of liability for damages and limitation on liability;

A. As an incidental duty under the good faith principle accompanying an employment contract, an employer of the responsibility bears the duty to take necessary measures, such as improving the human and physical environment so that an employee does not harm life, body, or health in the course of providing his/her labor, and where an employee suffers damage by violating such duty, he/she shall be liable to compensate for such damage.
