본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.10.11 2017가단5216984

1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) 1/3 shares out of the land listed in Attachment List 1 is District Court.


1. Facts of recognition;

(a) The forest survey report prepared in the Japanese occupation point period is recorded in the forest survey report in the field of Pakistan-gun of Pakistan-gun of Gyeonggi-do and D, E, and F as the assessment titleholder of information C preceding 0.35;

D, E, and F's shares are presumed to be equal.

B. 1) Each of the lands listed in the separate sheet was divided from each of the above circumstances as follows, and the registration of preservation of ownership in the name of the Defendant was completed with respect to each of the instant lands, as described in paragraph 1 of the Disposition.

(c) 1) F master M (WN, hereinafter referred to as “N(O)”) in the ridge (LG) book.

[2] According to the original copy of Q (A), Q Q (S, T, U) was registered in Q, Q Q, Q’s wife (S, T, T, E), senior V, and R (A-1). According to Q, Q (P, Q and R) died on February 12, 1952, and Q were inherited in Australia. The permanent domicile of Q is that Q was entered into the territory of the State of Pakistan in Gyeonggi-do (the place of birth is entered into the territory of the State of Pakistan in Gyeonggi-do). The wife is A [A, U, 1960, marriage on March 29, 1960, divorce on June 23, 1972), V, and W.

(A1-3, 4. 3) The certified copy of the family register stated as "P means "P shall be divided on April 8, 1939 (A1-2) for a short-term period of 4272 AB family register (hereinafter 1939) AB family register (hereinafter 1-3) (A-3). Q dies on January 7, 2004. AC shall be married on July 24, 1990 and married on September 5, 2015. The Plaintiff's spouse died on September 12, 2015 and eventually died on September 6, 2035, AA4/35, W10/35, W10/35, RC's heir AD5/35, AD 5/35, AEF 5/35, AF 5/35/5, AF 5/335/11, and there was no dispute over the inheritance shares of PV as a whole.

2. Determination

A. 1) Determination as to the cause of the claim 1) The family register and the family register of the family register shall be made and distributed based on the family register of the family register in order for the family register to clarify the scope of the family register, and the records of the family register as to the blood register of the entire descendants, the spouse, and the family register (the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family register of the family
