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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.05.20 2015고단884

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

Seized evidence as referred to in Articles 14 through 20 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

On August 30, 1995, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for night intrusion larceny at the Seoul Northern District Court, and on November 28, 2002, 1 year and 6 months from the date of imprisonment with prison labor for the violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, etc. at the Seoul Northern District Court on November 28, 2002, 1 year and 6 months from May 3, 2006, 1 year and 6 months from the Seoul East Eastern District Court on December 13, 2007; and 3 years from the date of imprisonment with prison labor for the violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, etc. (Larceny) at the Daegu Northern District Court on September 30, 201, and completed the execution of the sentence in Seoul Southern Prison on July 27, 2014.

(2) On February 11, 2015, the Defendant: (a) around February 1, 2015, at the top of the house of the victim of the C Apartment of Dobong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Defendant collected a stick for mountain use, which was held in advance with his/her left hand at the bottom of the entrance; and (b) checked the location of locking device in light of the house, and cancelled the locking device into the house and enter the house, after confirming the location of locking device; (c) KRW 300,000 won in cash, which is the victim’s possession; (d) KRW 1,100,00 won in gift rights; (d) KRW 4 of cultural product rights; (d) KRW 30,00 won in gift rights; (d) KRW 10,00 in tea, 300,000 in the market price; and (d) KRW 1,500,00 in the market price of KRW 1,500,00 in the aggregate.

From that time, from March 10, 2015 to March 32, 2015, the Defendant habitually stolen money and valuables worth KRW 3,567,00,000, total market price of the victims by the same method three times, such as the list of crimes in the attached Table.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Statement of the police statement of E;

1.F.D. Each.
