본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 해남지원 2013.10.16 2013고단144


A A A Fine of 10,00,000 won, Defendant B and Defendant C of each fine of 5,000,000 won, and Defendant D of each penalty of 4.


Punishment of the crime


A was sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment with prison labor for habitual gambling in the area of the Gwangju metropolitan District Court on March 26, 2009, and on August 26, 2009, at least two times of the completion of the enforcement of the sentence; Defendant B was sentenced to 3 years of suspended sentence for 2 years of imprisonment with prison labor for habitual gambling in the area of the Gwangju metropolitan District Court on November 14, 1997; Defendant C was sentenced to 10 years of suspended sentence for 10 months of imprisonment with prison labor at the Gwangju metropolitan District Court on January 6, 201, and Defendant D was sentenced to 3 million won for Habitual gambling in the area of the Gwangju metropolitan District Court on November 27, 2001; and Defendant D was sentenced to 3 million won for Habitual gambling in the area of the Gwangju metropolitan District Court on November 27, 201.

1. On January 24, 2012, from around 19:00 to around 08:00 the following day, Defendant A, B, and C habitually gambling Defendants used approximately KRW 10 to 30,000,000,000 for each time, and used approximately 30,000,000 won of the board per head for each time from “Hda” located in the Namnam-Gun G, Namnam-gun, and added money to money within the scope of the board of policy again, and then did so in a way of determining a plaque in accordance with the remaining number of people.

As a result, the Defendants were habitually stuffed.

2. Defendant D’s habitual gambling aiding and abetting the above A’s gambling by lending a gold of KRW 15 million to the said A in order to assist the said A in gambling at the time and place specified in paragraph (1) as referred to in paragraph (1).

Accordingly, the defendant habitually aided and aided the gambling of the above A.

3. 피고인 A의 상습도박 피고인은 I, J와 함께 2013. 4. 1. 13:00경부터 같은 날 15:20경까지 전남 해남군 K에 있는 '5일시장' 공영주차장에서 피고인과 위 I은 직접 윷을 번갈아 던지고, 위 J는 윷을 직접 던지는 사람에게...
