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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2013.07.25 2013고단219

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[2013Kadan219] On November 27, 2011, the Defendant knew that there was cash in the victim’s inner organ, including the victim D, while drinking dong C Apartment 112 Dong Dong 112 Dong 504 around November 27, 201, the Defendant stolen the sum of KRW 12 million in cash of KRW 2.4 million on the part of the victim’s inner organ, by taking advantage of the gap where surveillance was neglected due to the negligence of surveillance due to the influence of alcohol.

[2013 Height315]

1. On March 16, 2012, the Defendant violated the Punishment of Violence, etc. Act (joint injury) around 20:30 on the ground that the victim, who is a workplace ship, returned his/her cell phone and takes a bath to the Defendant at the house of the victim F (the age of 32) located in the Gwangju Mine-gu, Gwangju, for the reason that the victim, who is the employee, returned his/her cell phone and takes a bath to the Defendant, 10 times the face and chest of the victim due to drinking and growth, and G (the suspension of indictment on June 25, 2012) located beside him/her (the suspension of indictment on June 25, 2012) also put about the victim’s face one time as drinking, and the Defendant jointly with the above G and the victim inflict on the victim’s spam injury, etc. that requires approximately two weeks of treatment.

2. The Defendant damaged another’s property by destroying the free will of a ward owned by the victim, which is located in the same time and place as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, on the ground that it was cut off at the time and place, and walking the free will of a ward owned by the victim.

3. The Defendant, who forged a private document and affixed the same events, opened and used a cellular phone in the name of H (not charged on February 28, 2012) and I (hereinafter “Juvenile Protection Case”), which is the mother of I, without permission, and thought that he/she would dispose of it and use it for money.

On September 19, 201, the Defendant, along with H and I, found L agency in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju on September 19, 201, stated “A”, “M” and “M” in the “resident registration number column in the “resident registration number” form, and stated “J” in the “applicant” after entering the rest of the contents of the application.
