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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원서산지원 2017.11.28 2017가단4135
건물인도 등

1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) deliver the buildings listed in the separate sheet;

B. From 3,00,000 won and July 30, 2017


Comprehensively taking account of the purport of the entire pleadings as to evidence Nos. 1 and 2, the Plaintiff: (a) on July 14, 2015, the Plaintiff: (b) leased a building indicated in the attached list to the Defendant on a deposit of KRW 2 million; (c) KRW 250,000,000 per month; (d) from July 14, 2015; (e) the term of lease was set at two years from July 14, 2015; (e) the Defendant did not pay a rent after July 2016; and (e) on July 13, 2017, the Plaintiff notified the Defendant that the instant lease was terminated on the ground that the said notification was delivered to the Defendant.

According to the above facts, since the contract of this case was terminated upon the plaintiff's declaration of intention to terminate the contract of this case reaches the defendant, the defendant is obligated to deliver the building indicated in the attached list to the plaintiff and pay the plaintiff the amount equivalent to three million won equivalent to the rent from July 30, 2016 to July 29, 2017 and the amount equivalent to 250,000 won per month from July 30, 2017 to July 30, 2017 to the completion date of delivery of the building mentioned in the attached list.

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim is reasonable, and it is so decided as per Disposition.
