1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the plaintiff corresponding to the money ordered to be paid additionally shall be revoked.
The court's explanation of this case shall be based on the defendant's exemption criteria from liability of the court of first instance from No. 4 to No. 9. 10.
1. 1-2. A
(c) provide that the person shall be exempted from liability.
The phrase “Article 18 subparag. 1 of the Credit Guarantee Terms and Conditions” in Chapter 6 is deleted, and the phrase “Article 19” in Part 4 is used as “Article 16 subparag. 1 of the Credit Guarantee Terms and Conditions,” and the phrase “Article 19” in Part 8 is used as “Article 17,” instead of eliminating Parts 6 through 8, Articles 9 and 11 as “Article 17,” and it is identical to the statement of the reasons for the decision of the first instance, except for the phrase “in addition to the following paragraph 2.” As such, it is cited as it is in accordance with the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act. The phrase of the criteria for exemption is as follows:
1. Where the entries on the front of a letter of guarantee and matters of special agreement are violated;
가. 시설자금보증 관련 특약을 위반한 경우 ⑴ 특약운용 원칙 ㈒ 담보평가액은 다음에 의하여 산출함 ① 채권자의 담보평가액이 있는 경우 ㉮ 평가액이 채권자 일반 내규상 적정한 때에는 채권자의 평가액을 담보평가액으로 봄 ㉯ (생략) ② 채권자의 담보평가액이 없거나 담보평가기준이 없는 경우 ㉮ 감정가격이 있는 때에는 감정가격을 담보평가액으로 봄 ㉯ 감정가격이 없는 때에는 당해시설에 대한 소요자금총액에을 담보평가액으로
봄. (중략) ⑵ 면책 대상 ㈎ 채권자에게 다음 각호의 1의 사유가 발생한 경우 보증책임분담액 전액 ㈏ 당해시설에 대하여 담보를 취득하고,...