본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.09.21 2016가합518630
구상금 등 청구의 소

1. As to the Plaintiff KRW 2,008,089,511 and its KRW 1,009,057,235, Defendant A, from December 17, 2015, and KRW 207,847.


1. Basic facts

A. A. On June 19, 200 1,344,250,00 won (al.e., 1,01,50,000 won) for the guaranteed principal on the date of guarantee between the Plaintiff and the Defendant Company (al.e., an extension of KRW 1,01,50,000) on June 18, 2010 (al.e., the extension of KRW 1,01,60,600 on May 19, 201; 200,000 on May 18, 2012 (al.e., an extension of KRW 783,200,00) between Defendant Company and Defendant Company 20,000 on the guaranteed principal of the guaranteed principal under the contract between Defendant Company and Defendant Company 1 and Defendant 20,010 on the guaranteed principal of the guaranteed principal of the new bank (al. 1, 200,014).

(2) Defendant A entered into a credit guarantee agreement of this case, and Defendant A jointly and severally guaranteed the obligation to be borne by the Plaintiff by the Defendant Company in accordance with the credit guarantee agreement of this case. (2) At that time, Defendant A borrowed KRW 1,415,00,000 from the National Bank as collateral and KRW 4,00,000,000 from the New Bank as well as the credit guarantee agreement of this case issued by the Plaintiff.

3. According to each credit guarantee agreement of this case, when the plaintiff performed the guaranteed obligation, the debtor and the joint guarantor shall pay to the plaintiff the amount of the performance of the guaranteed obligation, damages according to the rate set by the plaintiff from the date of the performance of the guaranteed obligation to the date of repayment of the guaranteed obligation, expenses incurred in the performance of the guaranteed obligation, expenses incurred in the preservation, transfer and exercise
