본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2014.11.19 2014나11521
예치금 반환 등

1. The part of the judgment of the first instance against the Defendants shall be revoked.

2. All of the plaintiff's claims against the above revocation.


1. Basic facts

A. Following the conclusion of the instant sales arrangement contract, etc., 1) Joint executor of the instant apartment construction and the Daeyang Industrial Development Co., Ltd. is Goyang-dong-gu 1510 Tambling 3 complex construction company, Goyang-dong-gu, Manyang-si, 1510, and joint executor of the instant apartment construction, which is a joint executor of the instant apartment construction project and the instant apartment complex construction project. The instant apartment complex and five apartment complexes (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “instant apartment complex”).

(2) On December 28, 2011, the Defendants concluded a loan of KRW 17.8 billion in total with respect to three complexes among the instant apartment complexes, and filed a petition construction, the development of solar industry, and the further forest, with respect to five complexes among the instant apartment complexes. (2) On December 28, 2011, the Defendants concluded a loan of KRW 41 (35.55 complex units, 6 complex units, 3 complex units, 5 complex units, and 5 complex unit units, 2000, 300,000 won in total with the relevant apartment unit, and 41 household units specified among the unsold apartment units of the instant apartment units (hereinafter referred to as “the Marshall Islands”), among the unsold units of the instant apartment units, to lend KRW 1.7 billion in total with the relevant 41 household units (hereinafter referred to as “the housing unit unit, 3.5 complex units,” and 5 complex units, 200,000,000 won in total with the relevant apartment unit savings.

3) On December 28, 201, in order to secure the obligation of the instant loans on December 28, 201, the construction of petitions, the development of the large industry and the development of the large industry are the truster with respect to the housing unsold in lots in the five complex complex, and the truster with respect to the construction of petitions, the development of the large industry and the increased number of accumulated housing unsold in the five complex, and the truster with respect to the Defendants as the first beneficiary, the new bank in the new company in the second priority, and the third priority beneficiary with respect to the construction of the walls (hereinafter referred to as the “real estate collateral trust agreement”).
