본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2020.04.01 2020고단62

1. The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for six months;

2.Provided, That the above sentence shall be executed for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, who has no certain occupation, was aware of the fact that he was the victim B (n, 60 years of age) from around 2019 to the victim B (n, 60 years of age), and was engaged in money transactions from the victim (n, 20 million won of cash).

1. On February 8, 2020, at around 23:00, the Defendant visited the victim B’s residence in racing C, after having suppered it, and locked on February 9, 2020, when the victim first appeared to work at a restaurant, around 08:30 on February 9, 2020, the Defendant thought that the victim’s goods will be stolen.

On February 9, 2020, at around 09:10, the Defendant used the crepan in the victim’s residence without the victim, and used one 18 K neck (5.15 e.g.) (5.15 e. ), one e.g., cross-section 18K gold e.g., one (9.33 e., one (6.81 e.g., six), three e., three lines (18 K m. (6.28 e.g., three lines), five 3.01 e.g., three 1,2.98 m., one, one 6.6 m., one 7.21, one 63 m., one 1.63 m., one m. 73 m. and one m., one m. and three m. e.g., women’s brand (6.3 m.).

2. Fraud;

A. On February 10, 2020, the Defendant presented the precious metal owned by the Victim E (F) (F) (F) located in P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P, 2020 as if the Defendant was a precious metal owned by the victim E at P at P, such as Paragraph 1, and was carried out as if it was an object having the right to own or dispose of it lawfully, and then, the Defendant took place as if it was a thing that he/she had the right to own or dispose of it at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at P at 18 K (5.15 d.15 d.5 d.5 d. 1, an intersection-shaped l.1 (9.33 d.3 m.), one (6.81 m.) and three lines 18 m.

B. The Defendant at around 18:20 on February 10, 2020, from F.
