본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.02.05 2014고단6808


A Imprisonment with prison labor for six months, for eight months, for eight months, and for eight months, for each of the defendants C.

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime


A is the president of the F Council in the second floor of the Seo-gu Incheon Building, G is the head of the headquarters of the above hospital, the head of the public relations office of the above hospital, the defendant B is the head of the above hospital, and the head of the administrative office of the above hospital as the head of the above G.

The Defendants conspired with the above G and the insurance solicitors known to Defendant B, and the fact that the policyholders recruited by the above H were invited to be patients, suggested that they would obtain insurance money by means of making and issuing false medical records and certificates of entry and discharge as if the patients had not been hospitalized in the above hospital even though they had not been hospitalized in the hospital, or would be able to receive insurance money as if they had been hospitalized without being hospitalized for patients visiting the above hospital, and that they would be able to receive insurance money by making false medical records and certificates of entry and discharge.

1. Fraud;

A. The Defendants A, B, C, and G’s co-offenders around September 17, 2010, and the facts were not found to have been hospitalized at the above F’s expense from around the 4th of the same month to around the 17th of the same month. Defendant B provided guidance to the said I that the said I would be deemed to have been hospitalized even if the said I was not hospitalized. Defendant A stated “admisson” in the medical record as if the said I had been hospitalized for the said period, and stated the content of the prescription for the said period, and stated the medical care benefit claim claim of the Defendant C, and Defendant C gave instructions to the Defendant C on October 1, 2010, and applied for medical care benefits to the National Health Insurance Corporation on the basis of this.

As a result, Defendants conspired to deception a person in charge of the National Health Insurance Corporation by the foregoing method, and their deceiving from the National Health Insurance Corporation on October 19, 2010, health care benefit for the above I.
