The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
Summary of Grounds for Appeal
피고인이 음주와 수면제 섭취로 심신미약 상태에서 범행 30분 전에 칼을 샀다는 것이 계획적인 범행의 근거가 되지 아니하고 범행 시각 및 장소, 차량 주차 위치 및 상태 등도 계획적 범행이 아님을 뒷받침하므로 원심이 적용한 계획적 살인범행의 가중요소는 존재하지 아니한 점, 계획적 살인범행이더라도 심신미약과 자수라는 감경요소를 적용하면 권고되는 형량 범위는 감경영역에 해당하는 점, 피해자의 금전사고 및 불륜관계, 피고인과 장모의 갈등 등으로 극도의 스트레스와 우울증에 시달리다 음주 및 수면제 섭취 후에 범행에 이른 점 등을 고려하면 원심이 피고인에게 선고한 형(징역 13년)은 너무 무거워 부당하다.
There are circumstances that may be considered in light of the circumstances, such as: (a) the Defendant’s deep reflects his criminal conduct; (b) the Defendant experienced symptoms, such as extreme stress, depression, apprehension, and incompetence, due to the inhumanity relationship with the victim; (c) the Defendant committed the instant crime in a state of mental and physical disability; (d) the motive for committing the instant crime; (c) the Defendant voluntarily surrendered to an investigative agency immediately after the instant crime; and (d) the Defendant did not have any criminal record other than once a fine.
However, as long as the defendant had prepared to commit the crime by purchasing a kitchen for the helper of the crime in advance, even if he was in a state of mental disorder at the time of the crime, he can be deemed to have committed the crime of this case in a planned manner, and even if he had a mitigation element, he can also be deemed to have committed the crime of this case, but there is a reduction element of mental disorder and self-denunciation, but the victim's knife murders the telegraph, such as the chest part of the chest part of the victim at least 30 times, so the method of crime is cruel and this reason constitutes an aggravated element (the defendant's assertion that the scope of punishment recommended falls under the mitigation area is not accepted),