본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 특허법원 2011.04.08 2008허6239

1. The decision made by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on March 12, 2008 on the case No. 2007Da1611 is revoked.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be.


1. Basic facts

A. Name of the invention 1) invention of this case: The date of application (the date of priority claim) of polyvin alcohol content films and optical film 2) / The registration date/registration number: April 30, 2001 ( May 1, 200) / The patentee of March 13, 2007 / The patentee of March 13, 2007 (No. 69183): Plaintiff 4 (the Patent Tribunal's correction becomes final and conclusive by a trial decision of November 30, 2010) claims 1 through 5;

8. (Each Claim for Elimination)

6. Polyvinyl chloride content is less than 0.5 weight for polyvin alcohol content, and is characterized by using polyvinyl alcohol content as a raw material in the form of preserving 30 through 90 C, which is purified from hot water of not less than one to less than 100, and is characterized by manufacturing them by using polyvinyl chloride content as a raw material. When polyvinyl alcohol content is dead at 10 cm and 30 through 90 cc with thickness is left unattended for 4 hours in the number of 1 liter of polyvinyl alcohol content, which includes 10 to 60 pm pinyl chloride content in the form of polyvinyl chloride, and the process of manufacturing them by using polyvinyl alcohol content in the form of 0.5% for polyvinyl alcohol content, and the process of manufacturing them with 4 to 80 dipinyl chloride content content in the form of claim against polyvinyl chloride (Article 6.8).

7. In paragraph 6, the method of manufacturing opium films, claim(s), the content of which is characterized by using dead material containing polyvinyl alcohol content of which is not more than 0.5% for polyvinyl alcohol content, which is used to make deadly melting materials containing polyvinium not more than 0.5% for polyvin alcohol content, using those made at the temperature not more than 150 cc.

9. Polyvinyl alcohol content of polyvinyl chloride used for one-fluoride, and polyvinyl alcohol content in the form of preserving preserving 30 to 90 C applied from the hot water of 1 to 100 C.
