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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.01.30 2019고단6187

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. On November 29, 2010, the Defendant was issued a summary order of KRW 2 million as a fine for a violation of the Road Traffic Act in a sex support by the Daegu District Court.

Although the Defendant had been able to violate the provision prohibiting drunk driving under the Road Traffic Act more than once, on September 22, 2019, at around 20:40, the Defendant driven an Epic vehicle under the influence of alcohol with approximately 0.113% of alcohol level from the 1km section from the front of the cafeteria in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, Seoul-gu, to the front road.

2. Violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Bodily Injury resulting from Dangerous Driving) was driven by Epir vehicle while under the influence of 0.113% of blood alcohol concentration at the time and time set forth in Paragraph 1, and led to two-lanes of the road in front of Daegu Jung-gu, by driving the Epir vehicle at the 0.113% of alcohol concentration at the F market level.

In this case, a person engaged in driving service has a duty of care to properly see the right and the right and the right and the right and the right and the right and to accurately manipulate the steering gear and brakes so as to prevent accidents.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected this and proceeded in the front direction of the vehicle driving by negligence, which led to the shock of the part of the victim G (the 29-year-old driver) who was stopped for the signal traffic in the front direction of the vehicle driving by the Defendant to the front part of the passenger vehicle driving. Accordingly, the Defendant got the back part of the victim I (the 51-year-old driver) who was stopped for the signal prior to the front part of the vehicle driving.

Ultimately, the Defendant, while driving the said vehicle in a situation where normal driving is difficult due to the influence of alcohol, caused the injury of the victim G by the foregoing occupational negligence, such as the items requiring treatment for about two weeks, and the pipe and tension of the unknown parts, and the injury of the victim I for about two weeks.
