본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 2017.02.03 2016고합110

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

1. A violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse (production, distribution, etc. of obscene materials) on July 29, 2016, the Defendant, at a guest room located in the Doowon Gangwon-C around the Internet online game, taken pictures of the video of the victim E, a juvenile who became aware of through the Internet online game, and the sexual intercourse with the victim E, a juvenile, at a cell phone located in the Defendant’s cell phone, and stored the video files, etc. in the Defendant’s cell phone from the time the video is stored;

9. From the date of April, 14, the video files were stored in the Defendant’s cell phone by photographing the face of sexual intercourse with the victim four times, such as the list of crimes in the annexed sheet.

As a result, the Defendant produced obscene materials for children and juveniles four times.

2. Intimidation;

A. On October 1, 2016, the Defendant committed a crime on October 201, 2016, at around 20:00, in a mutual influenite room located in the counter name of Changwon-si, Changwon-si, the Defendant sent the victim Fmers of the Victim E on the ground that the victim E had another male-child with the other male-child and does not have any contact after hedging with the Defendant.

다 죽었다”, “ 인생 생매장 시켜 버릴 라니 까”, “ 니도 죽어야 돼고 걔도 죽어야 돼”, “ 대답 안하지 니 친구들한테 뿌릴 거니까 그리 알아 라” 라며 피해자와의 성관계 동영상을 피해 자의 친구들에게 뿌리겠다고

By transmitting text messages, the victim threatened the victim.

B. On October 3, 2016, the Defendant sent the victim’s text message “(victim E’s birth) as the first day to the victim,” and then sent the victim’s photograph that the Defendant and the victim together with the body around 19:18 on the same day, and threatened the victim at around 16:32 of the same year.

3. On October 3, 2016, the Defendant violated the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (such as Cameras, etc.) was taken by using the Fmeras of G (15 years old, south) who is the birth of the victim E and taken the same as the above paragraph 1.
