1. The part of the Plaintiff B’s claim for revocation of the disposition of restitution of research funds shall be dismissed.
2. The Defendant’s August 8, 2016 Plaintiff B.
1. Research and development costs of Plaintiff B’s status of research and development project title for the research project title Nos. 1 GD 207,84,000 won from March 1, 2009 to February 28, 2011, H 2H E from September 30, 2010 to September 29, 2012, KRW 156,000,000 as a person in charge of research and development from September 29, 201 to August 31, 2013, and KRW 930,000,000 as a person in charge of research and development from September 29, 201 to August 31, 2013.
A. The Defendant: (a) and the Plaintiff Cooperation Agency (hereinafter “Plaintiff Cooperation Agency”); (b) and (c) concluded an agreement with the Plaintiff Cooperation Agency on the terms “the Plaintiff B, who is a professor of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Cuniversity, as a person in charge of research or a participating researcher, to conduct research on the respective national research and development tasks as specified in the following table, and the Defendant is obligated to pay the Plaintiff Cooperation Agency research and development expenses therefor; and (c) paid research and development expenses to the Plaintiff Cooperation
(hereinafter referred to as “instant task 1”, “instant task 2”, and “F task 3”, and “each of the instant tasks” as well as “each of the instant tasks.”
From September 15, 2014 to October 17, 2014, the Board of Audit and Inspection conducted an audit of “the management status of the National R&D Research Institute” among 12 national universities, including C.C. conducting national research and development tasks (hereinafter “instant audit”).
C. As a result of the above audit, the Board of Audit and Inspection: (a) KRW 1,037,630,021 of the personnel expenses and research scholarships from among the research and development expenses paid for each of the instant tasks, such as the instant tasks conducted by the Plaintiff B as a person in charge of research or a participating researcher; and (b) transferred to each of the instant separate accounts, “the deposit account opened separately by the researchers participating in the pertinent national research and development task; and (c) the J, who was keeping the passbook and seal of each of the instant separate accounts, withdraws money deposited in cash or transfers money deposited in each of the instant separate accounts in the name of J to the common research and development account in the name of J, and uses KRW 709,89,273 of the students’ tuition fees, salaries, meal expenses, etc. differently from the research