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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.10.04 2018고합119

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Gohap 119] The Defendant remarriedd with the Victim C ( South, 46 years of age) and 2005, but divorced on July 9, 2018.

1. The crime of July 7, 2017 - The injured Defendant does not have the victim under a divorce action against the victim under the influence of alcohol from July 7, 2017, 01:05 to July 7, 201, E apartment 9-201, the house of the victim C in Daejeon Dong-gu, Daejeon, and the victim under a divorce action.

“In the floor of the victim’s hand, the victim’s scam was scleeped once with the victim’s hand, was scleeped by breath, the victim’s head was 3 times with the hand floor, the victim’s head was sclicked, and the victim’s head was sclicked with the hand saw, and the victim’s head was sclicked with the victim’s saw.

2. Crimes on July 23, 2017 - Damage to property, or injury to the existence thereof.

A. On July 23, 2017, the Defendant damaged property: (a) around 06:40, the Defendant 9-dong apartment 201, the victim C’s house opened the door several times; (b) however, on the ground that the victim did not open the door, the Defendant laid down the front door of the apartment 9-dong 201-dong apartment 201; (c) however, on the ground that the victim did not open the door, the Defendant opened the door, opened the door, opened the door, opened the door, laid the gate on the floor, laid the said door on the floor, cut down the plastic dispute of KRW 5,00 in the market price of KRW 5,00, and has been displayed on the floor; and (d) broken down the door door of the market price of KRW 2,000, which was continuously displayed on the main door.

Accordingly, the defendant damaged the victim's goods.

B. On the ground that the Defendant was trying to break out of the house by shouldering the son who was divingd at the above date, time, and place, the Defendant: (a) was in possession of the Victim F (M, 68 years old); (b) was in possession of the Victim F (M, F, 68 years old); and (c) was divided into the Victim’s body.

As a result, the Defendant inflicted bodily injury on the victim, such as the impairment of saves that require treatment for about 15 days.

3. Crimes on October 18, 2017 -.
