본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.02.07 2010가합1550

1. The Defendant’s KRW 22,824,527,663 as well as the annual amount of KRW 5% from May 19, 201 to February 7, 2014 to the Plaintiff.


1. Presumed factual basis

가. B의 행적 1) 피고의 조부인 망 B(C생~1957. 8. 하순)은 D의 생부인 E의 5세 사손(嗣孫)으로서, 1907. 3. 14. F으로 임명되었고, 1910. 6. 4. 종2품 G으로 봉해졌으며, 1910. 8. 25. 정2품 H에 올랐다. 2) 일본 제국주의(이하 ‘일제’라고 한다)는 한일합병 직후인 1910. 8. 29. “일본국 황제 폐하는 공훈 있는 한국인으로서 특히 표창에 적당하다고 인정된 자에게 영작을 수여하고 또 은급을 부여한다.”라고 규정된 한일합병 조약문 제5조에 근거하여 황실령 제14호로 조선귀족령을 제정ㆍ시행하였는데, 조선귀족령 제2조는 “작(爵)은 이왕(李王)의 현재의 혈족으로서 황족의 예우를 받지 않는 자와 문지(門地) 또는 공로가 있는 조선인에게 수여한다.”라고 규정하고 있다.

3) B received 168,00 won from the Japanese colonial rule from the Japanese colonial rule on October 7, 1910 under Article 2 of the Japanese colonial rule, and received 168,000 won from the Japanese colonial rule on January 13, 191, and received 1912 on August 1, 1912, on the ground that “the former one has contributed to the meritorious relationship.” On December 7, 1912, B continued to be elevated on the top of the Japanese colonial rule on December 5, 1912, and was elevated on January 3, 1935, and was elevated on January 15, 1935, and continued to enjoy the status and privileges of ear until the Japanese colonial rule on August 15, 195, 201, 199 after visiting the Japanese colonial rule on November 4, 1910 to the Japanese auditor on July 14, 2015.

5) B was the adviser of the J body organized under the cooperation and support of Japanese colonial rule from January 16, 1915, and was each engaged in activities as the adviser of L groups organized under the initiative of K, etc. from February 21, 1917 to February 21, 1917. 6) B actively cooperates with the colonial rule from Japanese colonial rule on November 10, 1928.
