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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 남원지원 2017.12.21 2017고합23

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seven years.

To order the accused to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, who is a child or juvenile, was aware of through the video call display of “E” with “E” with “E” (n, 11 years of age).

1. Violation of the Child Uniforms Act (in cases of coercion, intermediary, sexual harassment, etc. against a child);

A. The Defendant, at around 18:00 to 19:00 on May 2017, 2017, sent the victim’s sexual organ to the victim, who was a child, while holding a video call at the Defendant’s house located in Jinjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City F, and displayed his own sexual organ to the victim, and had the victim photograph the victim’s chest and a partic photo and sent it to the victim.

B. After two to three days from the date stated in the above paragraph A, Defendant 1 presented the victim’s self-defense at the place described in the above paragraph A, using the aforementioned method, and changed the form of self-defense with the victim, thereby allowing the victim to put a private pension into the victim’s sexual organ, and show the Defendant’s sexual organ to the victim.

As a result, the Defendant committed sexual abuse, such as sexual harassment, which causes a child to feel sexual humiliation, on two occasions.

2. A minor rape on July 23, 2017: (a) around 17:00 to 18:00, the Defendant: (b) taken the victim into the second floor of the construction site of the building located in J in the same city where the victim met, (c) taken the victim into the second floor of the building located in J in the same city, and (d) made the victim take charge of her chest, (d) made the victim take charge of her chest and panty, (e) let the victim do so, and (e) added the victim’s sexual organ into the part of the victim, and (e) made the victim have sexual intercourse with the victim’s sexual organ inserted into the part of the victim’s sound, and (e) when the victim’s sexual organ cannot be inserted any more from the part of the victim’s sound.

Accordingly, the defendant has sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 13.

3. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (compacting between minors under the age of 13, including deceptive schemes, etc.) is committed against the victim.
