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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2019.10.11 2018고단4567

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the couple between the defendant and B.

Around July 7, 2006, the Defendant and B subscribed to a "G insurance contract" under which a certain amount of insurance money is paid in the event that the Defendant, the Defendant’s husband, B, and the Defendant’s son F, through an insurance solicitor E of the victim DB in the Plaintiff’s residence, and the Defendant was hospitalized for a major sexual disease, such as a disease, etc., and entered into a contract for a "G insurance contract" under which a certain amount of insurance money is paid. The phrase “current or past illness” in the “Obligation to notify prior to the contract was diagnosed or diagnosed through a diagnosis and examination from a doctor due to symptoms or disease such as hepatitis, etc. or disease, such as treatment, medication, hospitalization, surgery, operation, and close inspection during the latest five years, and each of the “contractor” was signed and signed by each of the “contractor” and the “contractor” in each of the “B” column.

However, in fact, B was hospitalized from August 16, 2002 to August 20, 2002; from March 28, 2004 to March 30, 2004; from October 2, 2004 to October 7, 2004, three times in total, 13 days from e-mail, and was hospitalized from H I Hospital to e-mail; from December 16, 2004 to December 28, 2004, e-mail was hospitalized from GI Hospital located in e-mail to e-mail.

Nevertheless, the Defendant and B, as seen above, had the victim deceptioned and concluded the above insurance contract with the victim on July 10, 2006, and B had the employee in charge of the victim’s work on July 8, 201, and B received hospitalized treatment for 20 days due to inter-made fibres accompanied by liveration from June 18, 201 to July 7, 201.

‘The claim for the payment of insurance money' is accompanied by a written confirmation of the release from a deposit, and 1,105,000 won from the victim on the same day L in the name of the defendant F.
