본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2020.06.11 2020노720

All appeals by the Defendants are dismissed.


Summary of Grounds for Appeal

A. At the time of the instant crime, the Defendants with mental disorder had no or weak ability to discern things or make decisions due to mental problems.

B. Each sentence of the lower court on the Defendants (Defendant A: a fine of KRW 5 million, Defendant B: a fine of KRW 1 million) is too unreasonable.

2. Determination

A. According to the evidence and records duly adopted and examined by the court below as to the assertion of mental disorder, it is acknowledged that Defendant A was judged as Grade 4 and Defendant B with visual disability, but considering the background and method of the instant crime, the circumstances before and after the instant crime, the Defendants’ attitude to make statements to the investigation agency, etc., it does not seem that the Defendants did not have any or weak ability to discern things or make decisions at the time of the instant crime due to mental disease, etc., and thus, the Defendants’ mental and physical disability claim is rejected.

B. It is recognized that both the Defendants recognized the objective factual basis of the instant crime, the amount of damage amount, the Defendants appears to have reached the instant crime due to economic difficulties as the visually impaired, and Defendant B had no record of criminal punishment exceeding the fine.

그러나 이 사건 범행은 피고인 A이 피고인 B에게 보이스피싱 조직원에게 B의 은행 계좌를 제공한 다음 사기 피해금이 송금되면 이를 가로챌 것을 제안하고, 피고인 B이 이를 승낙한 다음 피고인 B의 아들과 그 여자친구를 통해 B 명의의 은행 계좌에 입금된 보이스피싱 사기 피해금을 인출하여 받거나 송금 받아 533만 원을 횡령한 것으로, 범행 방법 및 내용 등에 비추어 그 죄질이 매우 불량한 점, 피고인들이 자신의 잘못을 진지하게 반성하고 있는 것으로 보이지...
