본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2019.05.07 2019고단46


A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, each of the defendants B, C, and D shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.

except that from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Criminal facts

Some of the facts charged were corrected.

No person, other than the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation or an entrusted business entity, shall provide property or financial benefits to persons who issued sports betting tickets or similar things and predicted the result thereof.

E accepted “G”, which is an Internet illegal gambling site, from “F,” in early 2011, which came to know in the Chinese Peninsula area, from “F,” and had a certain share with H, I. The Defendants and J worked as an employee of E, H, and I, and the aforementioned “G” website. In succession, E, E, H, and J had operated the illegal gambling site.

The Defendants directly manage the above gambling site and office from May 201 to May 2018 with E, H, I, and J, and from March 201 to May 201, E shall exercise overall control over the operation of the gambling site and the management of funds. H from February 2013 to May 2018; I, from May 2013 to May 2018, 201, directly manage the above gambling site and office from May 201 to May 201; Defendant A from around November 2017 to around October 2017; Defendant C from around October 2017 to around October 2017 to around October 2018; Defendant D, from around October 2017 to around October 201 to around 10 to the above members’ gambling games; Defendant 2, from the above members’ money distribution rate at least KRW 10 to 20 to 20 to 20 to 20 to 30 to 20 to 20 to 2 to 20 to 2.
