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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2017.09.19 2016고합84

[Defendant A] The punishment of Defendant shall be three years of imprisonment.

The defendant's KRW 145,90,000.


Criminal facts

1. Violation of the Act on the Punishment of Acts, Including Arrangement of Commercial Sex Acts (Mediation, etc. of Commercial Sex Acts) (hereinafter referred to as “F”), Defendant A, from September 201 to August 2015, 201, committed entertainment centers in the trade name, “F,” “F,” “F,” “F,” “H,” and “H,” “H,” respectively, from January 2014 to July 2015, 2015, during the period from August 201 to August 2015, 200, respectively, provided entertainment centers in the trade name, “J,” “J,” “J,” respectively.


B Under the direction of Defendant A, at F, H, and J (hereinafter referred to as “each of the above amusement clubs”) assigned a position as a regular manager, etc., and managed and supervised the members of entertainment receptions with the nationality of the Philippines. From July 2014, Defendant C was in charge of the F’s regular business position, and managed and supervised the entertainment receptions with the nationality of the Philippines.

A. Defendant A and B, while operating and managing each club of the instant case, intended to employ entertainment receptioners of the Republic of Korea’s nationality and engage in hump business, such as similar acts. From July 2014, 300 to F and J, Defendant A intended to engage in such business as above with the Defendants. Defendant A, while frequently traveling to the Republic of Korea with the Republic of Korea, was carrying out an interview as if he extracted from the Republic of Korea, and was employed as an employee of each club of the instant case, and Defendant B and C had Defendant B and C use the cellular phone and passport of the source of entertainment receptioners of the Republic of Korea’s nationality at the place where they work, and kept them, intended to cause them to reflect the situation of “mume dancing” and “Handbling women’s sexual intercourse” against male guests by having them to reflect the situation of “mume” (i.e., sexual intercourse with male fingers, etc.).

Accordingly, Defendant A is the first order of December 2013, the Philippines.
