본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2013.10.23 2013고단3459


A Imprisonment of 8 months, Defendant B, F, and H are punished by a fine of 10,00,000,000 won, Defendant C is punished by a fine of 5,00,000 won.


Punishment of the crime


A is a real estate broker, and Defendant B is a lessee who has entered into a lease contract with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation, which is a rental business operator, and Defendant C, D, E, G, and H are lessees who have entered into a lease contract with the Gyeonggi City Corporation, which is a rental business operator, for MU public rental apartment.

A lessee of a rental house shall not transfer the right of lease to another person unless justifiable grounds, such as working, disease treatment, and livelihood, occur after he/she actually moves into a rental apartment, and no person shall arrange such transfer.

1. Defendant A:

가. 2008. 12.경 프리미엄 1,700만 원을 주고 임차인 C으로부터 M건물 835동 901호(임차인 C)의 임차권을 양도할 수 있는 서류 일체를 건네받아 소지하던 중, 2009. 1.경 떴다방 운영자인 N에게 프리미엄 1,900만 원을 받고 위 서류 일체를 넘겨줌으로써 다른 사람에게 임차권을 양도할 수 있도록 이를 알선하고,

B. Around December 2008, when a real estate broker: (a) had a total of the documents that can transfer the right of lease of M (M) No. 836 703, 703 (Lessee H) of a real estate broker’s O, and possessed by him/her; (b) around January 2009, upon receiving a premium of KRW 17 million from P and giving the said documents a total of the above documents to him/her, arrange for the transfer of the right of lease to another person; (c)

C. Around January 2009, in possession of the entire documents that can transfer the right of lease of No. 809 Dong 301 (Lessee D) of Q with a premium of KRW 29 million and a total of documents that can be transferred from Q. Around that time, a real estate broker R obtained a premium of KRW 33 million and transferred the above documents to another person to transfer the right of lease; and

D. At around January 2009, S with a total of 28 million Won and with a total of documents that can transfer the right of lease of MM building No. 806, 2502 (Lessee E) from S.
