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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 논산지원 2014.01.21 2013고단563

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

1. A criminal defendant who attempted to commit special larceny against the victim C, along with D, E, and F, was at the “H beauty room” in the operation of the victim C, which was located in G from around 00:30 on November 3, 2013 to 01:30 on the same day, and the Defendant reported the network on the stairs adjacent to the above beauty room, cut off the locks using the locker prepared in advance, and subsequently, D, E, and F attempted to steal the property owned by the victim, but did not discover the stolen property.

Accordingly, the defendant tried to steal the property owned by the victim together with D, E, and F.

2. On November 3, 2013, the Defendant, along with D, E, and F, went to the “K” restaurant operated by the victim I, which was under the jurisdiction of Seosan-si on November 3, 2013, and the Defendant, F reported the network at the parking lot, D, and E entered into the said parking lot, and took cash of KRW 175,000,00 in the credit cooperative of the said restaurant.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the property owned by the victim together with D, E, and F.

3. On November 3, 2013, the Defendant, along with D, E, and F, did not discover any property to be stolen, even though he/she attempted to steal the victim’s property by removing the window of the said restaurant from the surrounding area and intending to steal the victim’s property, in addition to D, E, and F, around 02:45 on November 3, 2013.

Accordingly, the defendant tried to steal the property owned by the victim together with D, E, and F.

4. The Defendant, along with D, E, and F, came to a “ Q” store operated by the Victim O in P during the debate period from around 03:00 to around 03:30 on November 3, 2013 to the same day. The Defendant and E parked a car in the neighboring area, waiting in the area, and waiting in the area, and the F reported the network in the surrounding area, and D opened the window after opening the crime prevention window, and became inside the store.
