본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.11.11 2015가단5333700

1. The defendant on March 25, 1969 with respect to the land size of B 84 square meters in Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, the Suwon District Court of registration office.


1. Basic facts

A. The Forest Survey Division (hereinafter “The Forest Survey Division of this case”) with regard to “In-Gun C” which was prepared during the Japanese colonial era (i.e., land assessment and division)

(E) On April 10, 191, 191, the “E” residing in the “Usu-gun,” is the land before the instant subdivision, hereinafter referred to as “the land before the instant subdivision”).

2) Official cadastral records concerning the land prior to the instant partition are written as being examined.

6. 25. A disaster occurred, which was restored on April 1, 1967. At the time, the name of the administrative district was changed to "Do Sung-gun D, Gyeonggi-do", and on March 31, 197, its size was changed to a square meter.

3) Subsequent to the instant subdivision, the land prior to the instant subdivision was divided into G land with a forest land of 17238 square meters and G land in Sung-gun, Sung-gun, Gyeonggi-do on December 27, 197, and the F forest land divided as above was divided into 17238 square meters on October 11, 1991, and again, on October 11, 1991, the Gyeonggi-do forest land of 17154 square meters and B forest land of 84 square meters (hereinafter “instant land”).

(4) The name of the administrative district of the instant land was changed to “road” on March 21, 2001.

B. On March 25, 1969, the Defendant completed the registration of preservation of ownership of the instant land (hereinafter “registration of preservation of the instant land”) by the Suwon District Court No. 4432, which received from the Suwon District Court’s registry office.

C. The deceased on November 7, 1921, and the deceased on the part of the plaintiff's inheritance relation, the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the family, and the deceased on April 14, 1947, the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on April 14, 1947, and the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the family, the deceased on the part of the deceased on January 7, 1951, the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on the family, and the deceased on January 7, 195, the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on the deceased on the part of the deceased on the family, the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of the deceased on the part of

[Ground for Recognition: Unsatisfy, Gap 1-6 evidence, Eul 1 evidence (each.).
