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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.08.07 2015고단904


L 1 year and six months, and Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and one year.


Punishment of the crime


A On April 21, 2005, the Daegu High Court sentenced 8 years to imprisonment for robbery, injury, etc., and terminated the term of imprisonment in the first prison of North Korea on July 7, 2012.

1. Defendant L’sO and joint criminal conduct with P: On March 26, 2012, Defendant L’s left hand in collusion with P and P to commit a crime in collusion with P, but the fact was not caused by an industrial accident even though the loss was not caused by an industrial accident, the Defendant conspireded to receive medical care benefits and insurance proceeds by deceiving the victim’s victim’s Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Corporation and the insurance company and to obtain them.

In February 2, 2012, P proposed that “If P applied for industrial accident with the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, the insurance money would have been divided by half, and the fingers may be used later, later.” P accepted it.

On March 26, 2012, the office of “R” operated by O located on the third floor of the building in the Daegu Dong-gu Q, Daegu, and the office of “R” operated byO; the office of P excluding the left hand hand of P, and the remainder of the fingers except for P. P. The Defendant,O, and P listed on the rooftop of the building, and the Defendant, after coming up on the rooftop of the building, caused damage to P to the left hand of P to the left hand of P in advance, and caused damage to P on the left hand.

O On or around April 2, 2012, at the Daegu Regional Headquarters of the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service, “P”, “Disaster Occurrence Date”, “Disaster Cause and Situation” column in the column for the application for medical care benefits, “P”, “The date of the occurrence of a disaster,” and “The date of the occurrence of a disaster,” as “I am know of the fact that I am while I am while I am at work, I am at the low end of March 19, 2012, and I am at the end of March 22, 2012, after I am as a human part to the Daegu S Apartment Complex Corporation from March 22, 2012 to March 26, 2012, I am at around 10:0 p.m., while I am at the end of March 26, 2012, I am at the end of 30 km from the electric wires during the reorganization to work.
