본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2017.09.14 2016고정1770

The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Around January 29, 2016, the summary of the facts charged: (a) confirmed the kind of fake 2-type cosmetic sets at the warehouse in Yangju-si, Yangju-si, in order to recruit and sell cosmetics distributors; and (b) upon receiving F’s contact, G recruited cosmetics distributors by posting a letter of selling the said cosmetics on H and I’s social network “Nber Rode” comprised of cosmetics distributors through H and I.

The Defendant and J: (a) reported the sale of cosmetics in the “Neber Doster” as the above warehouse; and (b) conspired to contact the seller of cosmetics and sell them.

(a) No person who violates law shall sell cosmetics manufactured or imported and sold by a person, other than registered manufacture-sellers, or store or display them for sale;

1) On January 31, 2016, G, J, and D, the Defendant purchased the foregoing fake 800 set of cosmetic 2, which was manufactured by non-cosmetic manufacturers, not cosmetics manufacturers registered by K, etc. at warehouses located in E on the two weeks, and sold 500 set of the above cosmetics to L among the above cosmetics, and kept the remainder 300 set of 30 sets at the N, etc. located in Seocheon-gu, Nowon-gu, Busan for the purpose of selling them.

2) On February 1, 2016, the Defendant purchased cosmetic 2,639 sets (a total of 31,680,000 won) from K, etc. at the P cafeteria parking lot located in Yangju-si (O) and sold all of the cosmetics from Q, namely, at Q.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with G, J, and D, sold or stored cosmetics manufactured by non-registered manufacturers.

(b) Anyone who violates the Trademark Act shall use or cause to use a trademark identical or similar to another person's registered trademark on goods identical or similar to the designated goods.
