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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.02.08 2017고단4683

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, B, C, and D were fluorous with the victim G, and the victim H, on the ground that they were fluorous with the victim G, and fluorous with the victim, on June 18, 2017, in the Daejeon Daejeon-gu E, Seoul-gu, and around F points, they were fluorous with the victim G.

1. The crime B against the victim G was committed on June 18, 2017 at around 04:20 to 04:24:24, the Defendant and B used the shoulder-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-sick-s

On the other hand, B moves the next convenience store to the next place of F, and B takes twice the victim's face in drinking, and the defendant took two times the victim's face in drinking.

As a result, the Defendant and B jointly inflicted a wound on the left side of the snow that could not be known about the number of days of treatment to the victim G.

2. From June 18, 2017, around 04:20 to 04:24 on June 18, 2017, Defendant B, C, Defendant C, and Defendant C, who committed the crime against Defendant C, and Defendant C, who committed the crime against the victim H, and the victim H (20: 04:20 to 04:24 on June 18, 2017, the victim was able to take the bridge from each other, and the victim was able to take the bridge from each other, and the Defendant was able to take the victim from drinking and drinking the victim beyond the floor, and the victim was able to continue to take the victim from drinking, and C went beyond the next floor.

B shows the attitude that the victim seems to be at risk by approaching the victim by putting the shouldered dunes, which is a dangerous object, as well as the main dunes, which is a dangerous object, and the victim's name is the victim by driving away from the victim due to the defect of escape.
