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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2018.07.25 2017고단2769

No. 1-A. 1 of the judgment of the defendant

(b) 2) In respect of the crimes, crimes, 7, 8, and 9, 4 months of imprisonment, the decision No. 1-b.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal records] On November 18, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment with prison labor and three years of suspended execution due to interference with the execution of official duties by the District Court of the Jung-gu District on November 18, 2016, and the judgment was finalized on November 26, 2016.

[Criminal facts] [Crimes related to Lending and Collecting Claims]

1. Violation of the Act on the Registration of Loan Business, etc. and the Protection of Financial Users;

(a) Any person who intends to engage in a loan business without registration shall register with the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan Autonomous City Mayor, or Special Self-Governing Province branch having jurisdiction over the relevant place of business;

Nevertheless, the Defendant, without registering with the competent authority on June 2, 2014, lent KRW 5 million to B at a non-permanent place, as well as loaned KRW 417,85,00 in total to 39 persons, as described in attached Table 1-1 and 1-2, from the above date and time to December 26, 2016.

B. From November 26, 2016, the Defendant: (a) loaned KRW 5 million to B at the date, time, and place specified in the foregoing A; (b) agreed to receive interest at 5% per month; (c) received interest exceeding 25%, which is the restricted interest rate, such as receiving KRW 500,00,000 from the said date and time to November 26, 2016; and (d) loaned KRW 282,45,00 in total to 333 persons, as indicated in the attached Table 1-1, and received interest exceeding 25%, which is the restricted interest rate.

2) On or after November 27, 2016, the Defendant loaned KRW 2 million to C at an irregular place on September 30, 2014, and agreed to receive KRW 13,000 per annum 100,000 per day, and received interest exceeding 25% per annum, such as receiving KRW 200,000 per day on the same day as prior interest, from the above date to December 26, 2016, as indicated in attached Table 1-2, including the receipt of interest exceeding 25% per annum, such as receiving KRW 200,00 per day on the same day.

2. The victim D.
