본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.08.13 2014가단238016

1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant A shall complete the payment of KRW 114,204,245 and KRW 5,466,66 among them from June 15, 199.


1. Indication of claim;

A. On September 23, 2004, the Plaintiff filed a lawsuit against Defendant A, B, and G with Busan District Court Decision 2004Kadan4887, and received a favorable judgment of the court below that "as to KRW 95,923,493 and KRW 19,00,00,00 per annum from June 15, 1999 to the date of full payment, 19.5% per annum from June 15, 1999 to the date of full payment to KRW 19.5% per annum from June 15, 199 to the date of full payment, and jointly and severally with Defendant B, and jointly and severally with Defendant A to the above KRW 95,923,493 among the above KRW 95,923,493 and the above KRW 19,00 per annum from June 15, 199 to the date of full payment."

B. Since then G died and there was a person H and I as an inheritor, but the Busan Family Court filed an application for renunciation of inheritance with the Busan Family Court Decision 2012Ra3786, and was tried on December 14, 2012. Defendant C, D, E, and F, a junior inheritor, succeeded to the obligations under the deceased G’s above final judgment according to the respective 1/4 shares.

C. The Plaintiff filed the instant lawsuit for the interruption of the extinctive prescription of a claim pursuant to the above final judgment, and the Defendants are obligated to pay the Plaintiff the money stated in the purport of the claim as the performance of the obligation in accordance

2. Conclusion

(a) Defendant C: Judgment by public notice (Article 208 (3) 3 of the Civil Procedure Act);

(b) Defendant A, B, D, E, and F: Judgment of deemed confession (Article 208 (3) 2 of the Civil Procedure Act);
