본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.06.09 2015고단7505

The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the defendant shall be published.


1. On January 20, 2015, the Defendant is expected to transfer the name of the vehicle by resolving the amount of KRW 80 million of the loan secured for capital, within two months, when purchasing one of the heavy bents vehicles from C and D around June 2011, with the intention of having C and D receive criminal punishment by having C and D take place at the Busan Coastal Police Station around January 2015.

In addition, it has prepared and submitted a written complaint stating that 41 million won has been stolen as the price for the vehicle.

However, in the event that E, a borrower, provides a vehicle as security by borrowing money, C and D are merely a broker, and the defendant will transfer his/her vehicle to another person and transfer his/her security loan to another person.

There was no promise.

Accordingly, the defendant reported false facts to public offices for the purpose of having C and D punished criminal punishment.

2. Determination

A. The following facts are acknowledged according to the evidence duly adopted and examined by this court.

(1) The Defendant was on May 201 with a heavy and high-speed motor vehicle with respect to the transaction of the instant motor vehicle (A) by the Defendant.

D It is required to purchase a large vehicle, such as Benz S50 or New Ecuas, at low prices.

(B) On the other hand, a secondhand dysur;

F was a sea divers with high import volume.

C 'Seut s S' can be dealt with.

“The present vehicle” was introduced to D, after hearing horses, Genz S500 under the name of E (hereinafter “instant vehicle”).

(C) D is the Defendant’s “S500 wraps.”

If the establishment is established, the name is not transferred, and the passage is taken on the security.

“The instant vehicle was introduced to the effect that “, at that time, the Defendant would operate the instant vehicle.

The consent was accepted.

(D) D) At the time when F, C, or C met on June 1, 201, and at the time when C, D, or C was investigated by the prosecution by the F or C, C directly received the above documents from E.
