1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Details of the disposition;
A. On August 27, 1969, the Plaintiff entered the Army and discharged the Plaintiff from military service on July 28, 1972.
나. 원고는 2012. 10. 26. 피고에게 “사단사격대회 사격경기 중 탄피의 파편이 튕겨 오른쪽 팔에 박혔는데, 전역 후 팔 관절이 좋지 않아 B병원에서 방사선 촬영 결과 파편이 박혀있는 것을 확인했다.”고 주장하면서 오른쪽 팔의 상이(이하 ‘이 사건 상이’라 한다)를 신청 상이로 하여 국가유공자등록신청을 하였다.
C. On March 8, 2013, the Defendant issued the instant disposition to the Plaintiff on the ground that there is no proximate causal relation between the Plaintiff’s performance of official duties and the instant wound, and thus, notified the Plaintiff of the determination on whether he was ineligible for veteran’s compensation.
[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1, 2, Eul evidence 1 to 4, the purport of the whole pleadings
2. Whether the instant disposition is lawful
가. 원고의 주장 원고는 군 복무 중인 1971. 4.경 사단사격대회에 참가하여 중기관총 사격훈련을 하였는데, 당시 원고가 사용한 총기가 노후화된 탓에 발사한 탄피가 총구에 걸려 찢어진 채 튕겨 나왔고, 그 파편 일부가 원고의 오른쪽 팔에 박혔으나 원고는 파편이 팔을 스친 것으로만 알고 상처부위에 소독약을 바르는 치료를 하였다.
Even after discharge, the Plaintiff suffered pains on the part of the right arms, from 2011 to 201, and became aware of the fact that the Plaintiff was faced with metal scrap to the right arms by the hospital, and the hospital received treatment, such as radiation photographing from the right arms, etc.
Therefore, the difference in this case is unlawful because the defendant did not recognize it on the ground that there is no place of beds even though there is a proximate causal relation with the plaintiff's performance of official duties.
(b) as shown in the attached Form of the relevant statutes;