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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2017.03.16 2016고단2883

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal history] On June 9, 2008, the Defendant received a summary order of a fine of KRW 1.5 million for a crime of violation of road traffic law in the support of the Daejeon District Court on the Incheon District Court on July 30, 201, a fine of KRW 2 million for the same crime from the members of the Suwon District Court’s Pyeongtaek District Court on July 30, 201, and a fine of KRW 8 million for the same offense in the same court on November 26, 2015.

[Criminal facts] The Defendant is a person who is engaged in driving a car in CKan-Pack.

On September 15, 2016, the Defendant driven the said vehicle with alcohol content of 0.143% while under the influence of alcohol without obtaining a driver’s license of a motor vehicle on September 14:40, 201, and led the said vehicle to the intersection of the south-dong along the intersection where the wife population is south of the permissible city, at the speed of about 50km from the moving to the south-dong intersection.

Since there are many places for vehicle traffic, there was a duty of care to prevent accidents in advance by driving a driver on the road, driving a motor vehicle with a view to driving the motor vehicle.

Nevertheless, under the influence of alcohol, the Defendant was negligent in driving the victim D(59) driven by the victim D(59) who stopped at the front of the Defendant’s vehicle due to the Defendant’s negligence, and the back part of the victim D(59) driven by the Defendant was the front part of the Defendant’s vehicle, and due to the shock, the Defendant was able to drive the said rocketing car with the victim F(47 years old) driving, which was parked in front of the vehicle.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered, by the above occupational negligence, the injury of the victim H (the 51 years old), I (the 29 years old), and J (the 26 years old), such as cat catum cat, etc., requiring approximately two-day medical treatment, and the victim K (the 45 years old), L (the 19 years old), and M (the 18 years old), which were on the cata car, while on the cata, while on the cata, the victim F and the above cata car.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. A report on a pain accident and a traffic accident;

1. Statement of the circumstances of the driver in charge;
