본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2018.07.05 2018고단382

[Defendant A] Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a maximum term of one year, for a short term of ten months, and for a fine of three hundred thousand won.

equivalent to the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

"2018 Highest 382" - Defendant A

1. On February 5, 2018, the Defendant, along with B and E, extracted from the victim G in Bupyeong-si on February 5, 2018 from around 00:02 through 00:06, “H” type operated by the victim G in Seocheon-si F, B and E, and the Defendant reported the network, and the Defendant opened the door of the land closure exchange unit using the dricker prepared in advance and taken up approximately KRW 300,000 in cash.

In addition, the victim's property was stolen together.

2. On February 8, 2018, the Defendant, along with B and E, extracted the type of “K” operated by the Victim J in Busan on February 8, 2018, 05:26, and the Defendant reported the network outside the above shop B, and the Defendant opened a door of the bareboat exchange exchange machine using the dricker prepared in advance, and removed the door of the bareboat exchange machine with E and taken up the cash amounting to KRW 500,000,000,000,000,000.

In other words, the victim's property was stolen jointly.

3. The Defendant, along with B and E, extracted from “N” type “N” operated by the victim M in Bupyeong-si L on February 8, 2018, around 05:36, the Defendant reported the network outside the above shop, and the Defendant, along with E, opened the door of the bareboat exchange machine using the dricker prepared in advance, and removed the door of the bareboat exchange machine from the door and taken up the cash amounting to KRW 1.5 million.

In other words, the victim's property was stolen jointly.

"2018 Highest 685"- Defendant A

1. A special larceny Defendant: (a) around 04:30 on November 23, 2017, at a 04:30, the victim R in Q 1st floor in Seodaemun-gu Seoul, Seodaemun-gu, Q 201; (b) the Defendant opened a cash storage box using the “sable key” called “S” prepared in advance; and (c) theO and P hold seven copies of ,000 won worth worth worth worth worth within the said place.

In other words, the victim's property was stolen jointly.

2. Violation of Acts in financial business specializing in fraud and credit;

A. The Defendant, in collusion with O or P on November 26, 2017, was stolen from “U” operated by the victim’s name and influence, in collusion with the Defendant, and around November 26, 2017, by the victim’s name and influence in Seoul Northern-gu T, Seoul.

The CPC card (W) in the name of the National Bank in V is complete.
