본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2016.02.18 2016고단44

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term of one year and six months, and a short term of one year.

Defendant 6 (No. 1) of the seized Abophone 6.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud organization normally plays a role in the context of “ Call Center” in China, “China’s total amount of responsibility,” and “Korea’s total amount of responsibility,” which instructs the solicitation of passbooks in China, “book of withdrawal” which contacts with Chinese lighting staff and makes a withdrawal order, “book of withdrawal” which transfers the withdrawn money to China, and “book of solicitation of passbooks to be used for committing a crime” which are operated in the form of an institution in preparation for the tracking of an investigation agency, and each other is not aware of the fact that it is operated in the form of an institution. However, there is a successive conspiracy relationship between the two.

Since October 2015, the telephone financial fraud organization is using various methods such as withdrawing the money deposited in the bank passbook from around 2015 to the withdrawal of the money deposited in the bank passbook with a e-mail card, so it is difficult to commit the e-mail fraud, and allowing the withdrawal book to directly face the victim with face-to-face, receiving money from the victim, or allowing the nominal owner of the bank passbook to withdraw the amount of direct damage.


A is a family visit visa, who entered Korea on September 2015, and Defendant B entered Korea on the short-term visa, and is a shipbuilding house entering Korea on November 2015, which entered Korea on the short-term visa.


B은 2015년 12. 하순경 중국에서 사회 선배로 알고 지내던 전화금융 사기조직의 일원인 D(Wechat 닉네임 “E”) 이 위 챗 메신저로 “ 사기 피해자를 직접 만 나 돈을 받은 다음 이를 송금 책에게 전달하면 편취금액의 7%를 수수료로 주겠다.

” 고 제안하자 이를 수락하고, 피고인 A도 피고인 B로부터 위와 같은 제안을 전해 듣고 같이 범행을 하기로 하고, 위 챗 내 ‘F’ 라는 채팅 방을 통해 중국 총책으로부터 지시를 받아 인출 책 역할을 하기로 공모하였다.

1. With respect to the Victim G on January 4, 2016
