A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.
Seized evidence 1 or 6 shall be confiscated.
Punishment of the crime
The Defendant, as a ship of Chinese nationality, was a member of the organizing organization of a telephone financing fraud (hereinafter “Singing”) with a nameless phone calls to the victim and acquired money by misrepresenting the victim to an investigative agency, etc., the Defendant had the intent to assist the Defendant in committing the crime of the Singing organization by receiving the money from the victim from the staff of the Sing Ting who received the money from the victim and delivering it to another Bosing staff in accordance with the instructions of the Sing Ting staff.
On February 28, 2017, at the 09:58 Before the public offering, the name infinites the victim C by phone calls to the victim C, and “C’s deposit account was used for the crime of fraud, and would be returned if it is confirmed to C’s money by investigating whether it was related to the crime of fraud,” and then delivered the full amount of bank deposit to the Financial Supervisory Service employees, and then, it would return the money later.”
However, in fact, as a member of the criminal organization of the phishing criminal organization that misrepresented the inspection, the above person was thought to acquire the money by deceiving the victim although the account of the victim was not used for the crime of fraud, and did not have the intent and ability to return the money of the victim.
성명 불상자는 이와 같이 피해자를 기망하여 이에 속은 피해 자로부터 2017. 2. 28. 14:15 경 서울 서초구 매헌 로 116 양재시민의 숲 지하철역 2번 출구 앞 노상에서 금융감독원 E 대리를 사칭한 F를 통하여 현금 12,658,000원이 들어 있는 종이가방을 교부 받고, 피고인은 성명 불상자의 지시에 따라 F이 위 종이가방을 피해 자로부터 교부 받을 때 주변을 감시하며 현장 상황을 성명 불상자에게 위챗으로 실시간 보고 하고, 또 다른 보이스 피 싱 조직원에게 전달하기 위하여 F으로부터 위 종이가방을 건네받음으로써 성명 불상자의 사기 범행을 용이하게 하여 이를 방 조하였다....