본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2019.12.06 2019나2005749

1. The part against the defendant in the judgment of the court of first instance against the plaintiff shall be revoked, and the part shall be revoked.


A. The remainder of KRW 250 million (at the time of completion of a 4th floor) 20 million (at the time of completion of a structural frame) 4 billion (at the time of completion of a 200 million dunes) 200 million (at the time of completion of a dunes project) : Article 13: (a) of the 300 million Won (replacement with a deposit deposit after completion of a construction project) (replacement with a deposit after completion of a construction project): the part excluded from this project; (b) the excavation cost of the dunes is borne by the Defendant.

Special Agreement:

1. Installation of measuring instruments (water, gas, and electricity) for each household (51 households), including all costs of making seals, including urban gas, water, and electricity input costs;

3. Construction works including the studio remodeling and expansion of studio of the 7th floor after approval for use (five expansion of studio of the 7th floor);

4. This contract shall be based on the 51 extension time of E additional Building Contract (No. 2) construction cost including E Additional Building Contract, and shall include all expenses for authorization and permission, construction cost, electricity, water, gas, and gas input construction cost and all other expenses for the construction of the building, including all expenses for the construction of the building, and civil petition treatment cost, and shall be executed in a complete way that does not interfere with the occupancy of the first to seventh floor, including extended construction work by July 31, 2013 separate work cost in the base base.

For the first floor above:

8. By no later than 31. The execution shall be completed as set out above.

When the completion of personal services is delayed: The construction business operator shall pay the project owner 7/10,000 of the total construction cost per day.

A. On November 11, 2012, the Plaintiff, while running a building business under the trade name of “D”, entered into a construction contract (hereinafter “instant construction contract”) with the Defendant for the construction of a new building (hereinafter “instant building”) on the land of Seongbuk-gu Seoul E, including a 1st basement and an urban-type residential house (studio-type residential house), the scale of the 7th floor above the ground (hereinafter “instant building”). The main contents of the instant construction contract and the E Additional Construction Contract (Evidence 2), included in the instant construction contract as a special agreement, are as follows.

B. The Plaintiff’s instant construction work on December 10, 2012.
