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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.10.26 2018고단3439

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal history] On May 18, 2018, the Defendant was sentenced to one year and six months of imprisonment for aiding and abetting fraud, etc. in the Gwangju District Court’s application, and is pending in the appellate trial. On August 22, 2018, the Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for aiding and abetting fraud at the Gwangju District Court and is still pending in the appellate trial.

[2] On October 2017, the Defendant issued a proposal to offer 3% of the money deposited in the Defendant’s account from the Defendant’s account to the Defendant’s account in order to make the Defendant purchase of virtual currency using the Defendant’s account from the name in the name in the name in the name in the “D” (hereinafter “D”), which was known to the Defendant via the Internet, and sent the Defendant’s account number, official certificate, and the Defendant’s identification card pictures to D through C.

Since then, "D" made an account under the name of the defendant (IDG) in F, a virtual currency exchange, and deposited money in the defendant's account, immediately transferred the money to F management account, and purchased bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit t bit bit t bit bit t son purchased and sent the money to a large number of virtual currency bit bit bit bit bits that she cannot find another user," and the defendant sent "D" information to D CP by giving "each time the money deposited in the defendant's account is transferred to F management account," thereby promising "D" to exchange the money deposited in the defendant's account with a virtual currency.

D ‘D’ means that contact the victim BA with the victim BA on October 11, 2017 at an irregular place, “The 150,000 won is drinking and playing for four hours in a week, and the deposit is required under the name of AC transfer for four hours in a week, and the deposit is to be returned after IC bank account under the name of BB, and that it was transferred from the victim to the H bank account under the name of BB (BD) and KRW 3,051,000,000 in total to the H bank account under the name of the Defendant, and the Defendant knew that the said H bank account was used for the crime of fraud, as above, “D.”
