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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2017.05.19 2017고합47

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the father of the victim C (V, 15 years old).

1. 성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법위반( 친족관계에 의한 강제 추행) 피고인은 2013. 6. 일자 불상 경 부천시 D 건물 201호에서 “ 아빠, 깜깜 하고 무서워 혼자 자기 싫다.

“The victim,” together with the victim’s clothes, she saw the victim to be exempted from the clothes before her, and she acted as if she had a mind that she had a forced indecent act on the victim’s body, and she only her chests the victim’s chest as her hand, and her fingers the victim’s chest as her hand, and her fingers the victim’s chest as her hand, and her fingers the victim’s chest back to the victim’s resistance, and her fingers the victim’s chest, and her fingers the victim’s chest, and her fingers.

Accordingly, the defendant committed an indecent act on the victim's kinship.

2. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes;

가. 피고인은 2016. 3. 일자 불상 20:00 경 부천시 E 건물 307호에서 침대에 누운 후 피해자를 강간할 마음을 먹고, 침대에 오는 것을 거부하는 피해자에게 수회 침대로 오라고 반복적으로 강하게 말하고 피해자에게 옷을 벗으라고 협박하여 이에 응하지 않은 피해자의 얼굴을 손으로 1회 때려 피해자의 반항을 억압한 후 피해자의 음부를 핥고 피해자를 간음하여 강간하였다.

B. On September 2016, 2016, the Defendant 20:00 F. F. F. B, 1004 of the 2016 F. B, and 1004 of the 2016, drinked the victim with a mind to rape, she off his/her clothes, she off his/her clothes, and her sexual flag as soon as possible.

피해자에게 수차례 말하면서 여러 차례에 걸친 강간으로 항거 불능 상태에 있는 피해자를 위협하여 피해자로 하여금 피고인의 성기를 빨게 하고 피해자의 음부를 핥고 피해자를 간음하여 강간하였다.


On February 2, 2017, the Defendant drinked around 20:00, the Defendant, at the same place as the entry in the port, to rape the victim.
