본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2019.01.24 2018고단2552

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 7,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is a person engaging in driving a rocketing vehicle B.

On March 24, 2018, the Defendant driven the above vehicle on March 24, 2018, while proceeding one lane from among the four-lane roads in front of the industrial complex shooting distance, which was located along the coast of Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu, Ansan-si, Ansan-si, the Defendant stopped by red signal signaling.

In such cases, all drivers of vehicles have a duty of care to see the front side, accurately manipulate the steering direction and brake system, and prevent accidents from occurring.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, while neglecting the above duty of care, was mistakenly driven by the victim E (the age of 37) who was in the atmosphere of the signal at the front of the vehicle in front of the Defendant’s driving.

Ultimately, the Defendant, by such occupational negligence, sustained injury to the victim E, such as salt, tensions, etc. in need of medical treatment for about two weeks, and suffered injury to the G (8 years old) who was on board the damaged vehicle, such as cerebral celebs, etc., in which no one exists in the two-day open medical treatment for about two weeks, and escaped without immediately stopping, and without taking measures such as providing relief to the victims.

피해자 E은 수사기관에서 ‘사고 당시 피고인의 차량과 자신의 차량이 부딪혀 쿵하는 소리가 났고 그 충격이 컸다, 사고로 허리, 목, 우측 팔끔치에 통증을 느껴 병원에 가야하는 상황이었다’라고 진술한 점, 피해자 E은 H한의원에서 약 2주간의 치료를 요하는 요추의 염좌 및 긴장, 피해자 G은 약 2주간의 치료를 요하는 뇌진탕, 경추의 염좌 및 긴장으로 추정된다는 진단을 받았고, 이후 피해자 E은 6일 동안, 피해자 G은 2일 동안 침술, 부황술, 초음파를 이용한 물리치료 등을 받은 점 등에 비추어 피해자가 입은 상해가 형법상 상해로 평가될 수...
