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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.05.02 2018고단4003

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

Seized evidence No. 1 shall be confiscated.

The defendant is 1.1.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Highest 4003] The Defendant conspiredd to have access to the Bosing victim by telephone financial fraud (tentatively named phishing) in his name, to take the cash as if he were an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service, and to deliver this again to the officers in charge of assistance in the name of the Financial Supervisory Service.

1. On October 26, 2018, at a closed place on October 10:26, 2018, the investigating staff in the name of fraud against the victim C, by calls to the victim C, and misrepresenting the victim C to the Special Department D investigators and E prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, and deceiving the victim C to “The one himself/herself has opened a passbook in the name of the party. He/she must prove the identity of the victim. He/she must collect money to verify whether the money in the account is illegal, and to return it after checking the loan to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service.”

On October 26, 2018, the Defendant received instructions from an infinite employee, and around 17:30 on October 26, 2018, the Defendant received signature by presenting the documents of the Financial Supervisory Service, which were falsely prepared, while working as an agent of the Governor of the Financial Supervisory Service, as the above victim was located in Yongsan-gu Seoul, Yongsan-gu Seoul.

However, the above-mentioned person was not a prosecutor or investigator of the prosecutor's office, and the defendant was not an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with the victim, obtained 5 million won from the victim and acquired it by fraud.

2. At around 13:02 on November 1, 2018, the conciliation staff in the name of fraud against the victim B expressed to the victim B a phone call to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor, and misrepresented the victim B as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor I to use the passbook for the K fraud crime. By withdrawing cash in the account to verify whether the victim is an accomplice, the staff of the Financial Supervisory Service would return the money if it is confirmed that the victim is the victim.

The defendant is given instructions from his/her assistants in name, and on November 14, 2018.
