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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2013.06.12 2012고단342

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

피고인은 2010. 8.경 피해자와 동거하기 시작하면서 평소 자신이 언론사 사회부 기자이고, 주식으로 매월 500만 원 가량을 벌고 있으며, 강남에서 한 달에 한 번씩 주식 모임을 갖는데 이 모임에서 대박나는 정보를 얻고 있다는 취지로 과시하면서 피해자에게 환심을 샀으나, 사실 피고인은 당시 신용카드 연체로 신용불량자로 은행 부채가 3~4000만 원 가량에 이르고, 경제적 능력이 없어 피해자의 돈을 이용하여 주식 단기 매매를 통해 주식 대박을 노렸다.

1. Around October 20, 2010, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that “I lick-gu, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, “I lick-gu, I will see the victim’s house,” and “I am lick-gu, Seoul. I will see 1 million won with the monthly revenue. I am see the coffee shop.”

However, even if the victim made an investment in shares with money, there was no intention or ability to make profits for each month.

The Defendant, by deceiving the victim, received KRW 40 million from the victim to the Agricultural Cooperative Account under the name of the Defendant on the same day, and received KRW 1.8 million from the said account around November 26 of the same year.

2. Around November 19, 2010, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that “The Defendant would return to the Defendant only one week, i.e., whether it is necessary to make a living together, whether it is necessary to do so,” at the places indicated in the foregoing paragraph 1.

However, in fact, it was thought that it was used to sell shares with money from the victim.

The Defendant, by deceiving the victim as such, received KRW 1 million from the victim to the above account under the name of the Defendant on the same day.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statements consistent with the accused in the second protocol of trial;

1. The prosecutor's office and the police's statement concerning D;

1. A copy of a deposit certificate of passbook, a copy of a deposit certificate, a copy of the NAC, a copy of the NAC, and a copy of the ACC Account.
