본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2012.11.01 2011가합9393

1. The defendant stated in the attached Table 2 calculation sheet to the plaintiffs as stated in the "personal amount" column of the same Table and each of them.


1. Basic facts

A. The Korea National Housing Corporation (the Korea National Housing Corporation and the Korea Land Corporation merged with the defendant on October 1, 2009; hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Defendant") obtained approval of the housing construction project plan under Article 33 (1) of the former Housing Construction Promotion Act (amended by Act No. 6655 of Feb. 4, 2002) with respect to the construction of public rental housing on the BB block (C block) in the Dong-gu, Dongcheon-si, the Seoul National Housing Corporation and the Korea Land Corporation merged with the defendant on December 1, 2009, and leased the public rental housing for five years from that time.

B. On October 2009, the Defendant announced the construction cost of the instant apartment to be converted for sale at the pre-sale price that applied 100% of the development cost when the period of mandatory lease of the instant apartment ended.


104 E, 378 F, 81 G, 1284 H, 1302 I, 1348 J, 1510 K (hereinafter “the plaintiffs of this case preferential buyers”), L, M, N,O, P, Q, and R (hereinafter “the plaintiffs of this case preferential buyers”) entered into a lease agreement with the defendant for the apartment of this case, and entered into the sale contract of this case with the defendant for each apartment of this case, and after the notice of the sale for sale for sale in lots, the apartment of this case entered into the sale contract of this case in separate sheet No. 104 E, N,O, P, Q, and R as stated in separate sheet No. 2 in separate sheet No. 104 E, 104 E, 378, G, 811 G, 1284, H, 1301, 1308, 13130, 135, 138

The Plaintiffs asserted that they concluded a sales contract for an apartment with respect to which Plaintiff 1362 S, 1363 T, 1364 U, 1365 V, 1366 W, 1367 X, 1368 Y each area for exclusive use by its occupant is 59.56 m2.
