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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.10.24 2016고단5896

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

"Around March 14, 2016, the Defendant called "around March 14, 2016, the Defendant would pay 6 million won of the mechanical price until March 22, 2016 to H, who is an employee of the company in charge of the company in charge of the settlement of accounts of the victim F, via E, the Defendant’s employee."

However, the defendant did not have any intention or ability to pay the above internship by the due date even if he was supplied from the injured party due to the economic situation such as the suspension of transaction because the liabilities incurred in operating the above LA without any property at the time the defendant had reached an amount equivalent to KRW 9 billion, and even if he was unable to pay the goods to the existing trading company due to the impossibility of payment.

Around March 18, 2016, the Defendant was supplied with two internships in total amounting to KRW 6 million in the market price of Defendant D in the above loan agreement around March 18, 2016.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property to the victim by deceiving the victim.

The Defendant, from around 2014 to 2014, caused the aggravation of the company’s financial standing, was unable to pay for the supply of steel products to five companies that supplied steel products to D companies that were operated by the Defendant, and eventually, suspended the supply of goods from the above five companies in sequence. The Defendant, who is aware of such circumstances, was in mind to pay for the insufficient operating expenses of the company and for the repayment of debts.

The Defendant was introduced to the Defendant on January 2016, 2016, on the part of the Defendant, on the part of the Defendant, on the part of the Defendant, on the part of the Defendant, on the part of the Defendant, on the part of the lower court.

After determining the price as a unit of supply on the face of the main month of the supply of steel products, it will be paid from 2 months after the month of the supply to which the price is paid by the customer, and from 25 months after the month of the supply.

‘False speech' was made.

However, the defendant is liable for the company's debt amounting to KRW 9 billion at the time.
