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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2015.06.04 2014가단39443

1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff KRW 24,970,00 and KRW 14,970,00 among them, from October 22, 2014 to the day of full payment.


1. Facts of recognition;

가. 피고는 2013. 12. 7. ‘C’를 운영하는 D에게 마녀짬뽕 E점 인테리어 공사를 90,300,000원(부가가치세 별도)에 도급주었다.

나. 원고는 2014. 1. 6. 피고와 사이에 공정거래위원회의 프랜차이즈(외식업) 표준계약서 양식을 이용하여 계약을 체결하였는데, 그 중 관련 내용은 다음과 같고, 원고는 그 무렵 마녀짬뽕 E점을 개업하였다.

Article 8 (Indication of Member Shops) The indication of member stores to be established by the defendant under this Agreement shall be as follows:

(1) 점포명 : 마녀짬뽕 E점 (4) 점포규모 : 222.78㎡ 제11조 [계약의 발효일과 계약기간] 이 계약은 2014. 1. 20.부터 발효되며 그 기간은 계약 발효일로부터 2016. 1. 19.까지 2년간으로 한다.

Article 15 [Initial Franchise Fee] ① The first franchise fee that the Defendant is liable to pay to the Plaintiff is KRW 22,00,000, including the mutual use cost and the cost of the trade name.

Article 16 [Return of Franchise Fees] (1) In any of the following cases, the defendant may request the plaintiff to return the franchise fee in writing within two months from the date of conclusion of this contract:

(2) The Defendant may claim the return of the amount equivalent to the ratio of the remainder of the contract term, among the franchise fees having the nature of advance payment for the entire contract period, such as business marks, continuous service charges, etc., if the franchise contract is terminated in the middle of the contract due to reasons not attributable to the Defendant during the contract period.

Article 17 [Continued Franchise Fee] (1) The details of the continuing franchise fee that the Defendant is obligated to pay to the Plaintiff are within one percent of sales with business mark usage fees, occasional education expenses, advertising expenses, promotional expenses, and other total amounts.

Article 37 (Termination of Contract) (5) The plaintiff and the defendant may terminate the contract by mutual agreement between both parties, even during the contract period.

Provided, That the party who wants the termination shall be the other party.
