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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.09.24 2014고단64

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 64]

1. Loan-related fraud Defendant and D and E operate a telephone financial fraud company in the form of obtaining loans from a financial institution under the name of a large amount of mobile phone text messages to the effect that they would allow loans from many unspecified persons in the name of “a company loan brokerage corporation,” and “a company loan brokerage corporation,” and then, as if they were employed in a specific company, to make loans from a financial institution by pretending to be offered as if they were employed in a specific company, such as wage and salary income tax withholding receipt, payment guarantee letter, etc.

Defendant and D are responsible for the management of fake Bank Approval and Telephone, and the telephone number necessary for the delivery of fake loan advertising letters, lease and management of loan fraud call office offices, and H takes charge of mass sending text messages to many unspecified persons, and I, J, K, and L take charge of the business of receiving calls from those who wish to borrow loans in accordance with the counseling manual educateded by E as the above company lending advisory staff, and allowing them to receive loans from companies and make them receive loans from companies and transfer money for necessary expenses. E assumes that they called “the director of a bank M&A” and misrepresented them to “the director of a bank,” and took charge of requesting necessary documents, such as payment guarantee, in most way the approval procedure is completed. N has been notified of money to be remitted from the intermediary book and the so-called “ call center” working by telephone counselors to the intermediary book and received money from the remitter book, and has received money from each recipient of the communication book as necessary to withdraw and transfer the money.
