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텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원 2018.07.05 2018고단972

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.


Punishment of the crime

C In the Chinese Cheongdo and the apartment complex in D, the office of “E,” “F,” “G,” “H,” and “I,” operating a fake sports soil site (hereinafter “one-to-one food site”), which does not receive money from the victims, shall be charged with the general manager of the above fraud organization, such as: (a) recruiting employees to work in the above office in Korea; (b) supplying the account to be used for the crime; and (c) withdrawing and managing the money deposited in the criminal account; and (b) the J is a person responsible for the management of the above fraud organization, such as withdrawal of money deposited in C’s accommodation, criminal proceeds storage, and funds management.

K (L) is the total responsibility for the recruitment and supply of passbooks to purchase and supply accounts used for crimes, and M is the recruitment and supply of passbooks to work together with K.

N(O) and P are domestic cash withdrawal team members.

Q (R) The person in charge of managing the office of "E" is C and S (T), S (T), and U are employees of the office of "E".

V is a person in charge of management of the F office, and W is an employee of the F office.

X is the person in charge of management of the “G” office, and Y, Z, and AA are the employees of the “G” office.

AB is the person in charge of management of H's office, and AC and AD are employees of H's office.

AE is the person in charge of management of the I's office, and the defendant and AF are the employees of the I's office.

The Defendant leased the respective local offices of “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “H”, and “I”, along with C, K, M, J, P, P, Q, Q, Q, U, X, Y, Y, Z, AC, Z, AD, AF, AE, AE, and W, respectively, on the apartment located in China’s Cheongdo and D, and shared each business with the head office in Korea, such as computer, book, management, and settlement of the proceeds of the crime, and then paid 40% to 50% or more of the proceeds of the crime.

“Along with the Internet page, an advertisement was placed with the headquarters of the Republic of Korea and the headquarters of the headquarters of the Republic of Korea using the Internet page or portal site.

The Defendant, together with C, K, M, J, P, N, Q, U, S, V, X, AC,Y, Z, AD, AF, AE, and W.
